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The New England Times

Monday, September 19, 2005

New Hampshire International Speedway

To get out of the infield... I walked across the track! It wasn't that big of a security issue or anything, that's how I was told to exit the place. Imagine was across Fenway ten minutes after the game ends to get out of the park, not real likely. Of course it wasn't like I could scoop up a piece of the track and keep it or anything

Rusty's Last Call

These little centers, I think, is where all the team info comes into during the race.

One thing that really suprised me was the access... I was walking around Pit Lane, like 10 minutes after the finish... tires anyone?

The tv analysts break it all down

The Newman crew celebrates.

And less than 10 minutes after the thing ended, the big whigs, sponsors and probably some drivers, were out of there via helicopter.

The final results (at least the top seven), who knows who's who... I know No. 20 was Tony Stewart, and Dale Junior finished fifth, that's about it.

VIPs only!

No. 12 Ryan Newman (spelling) won the race, then drove right by me in the infield on his way to the Finish area...

You can see the New England stop is NOT big time by the size of the pole position thing... it only listed the top seven drivers (out of 43).

Another RV area on the hill overlooking the backstretch!

I think this was the Rainbow Warrior, Jeff Gordon who everyone hates... he's like the NY Yankees of NASCAR. He even got booed during introductions at the start of the race.

They were going pretty fast I can confirm that

So it was interesting to see the cars whiz by like 100 feet away

We also had passes into the infield, so with like 30 laps remaining (out of 300) in we went

We also had some passes to go on the infield

One cool thing was the fire that came out of their tires when the drivers braked into the turns...

Overall favorite Dale Junior in the No. 8 Budweiser... I was NOT rooting for him though, I went with No. 99, Carl Edwards as my boy for the weekend.

So you could see the cars come into turn one, and go through turn 2

We also had a pair of seats at the end of turn one, up about 35 rows

You're pretty close to the action too

As the cars come roaring by... you definitely know there's more than a six-cylinder engine in there

A pit stop!

The Coors Light car

We also had a pair of seats that were pretty close to what I would condider the 40-yard line. The official Start / Finish was just to our left

at the start, everyone lined up

RV Nation was in the lot next to us, with the track in the background about 1000 yards away

Went to NASCAR for the first time ever (I won't be buying season tickets) and GIT R DUN was everywhere... tshirts, bumper stickers... also, the crowd was very similar... a lot of trashy white people who consider Budweiser a premium lager and probably all voted for George W. Bush. From a marketing perspective, I was impressed at how loyal they are to their drivers.


And we had to go out and ride mini cars

We also had to go to the beach while in Boca Raton / Ft. Lauderdale

Two days later they rolled over Nova Southeastern University.

The over Labor Day Weekend (Sept. 1-5) I was in south Florida with the Bryant women's soccer team. Here they lost to Lynn University

We also went to play mini golf this summer

Fenway at night

Schilling was completing his rehab appearances and came in for the ninth

Just a complete character

A couple innings later, he does it again. This time he waved to the left field crowd as he did it.

Fueling the fire of Manny going into the scoreboard to pee in between innings... I submit this

We had pretty good seats too

Fenway Park - Boston, Massachusetts

We also had a 30 minute rain delay

Fenway Park - Boston, Massachusetts

The most impressive thing about this, is not that the Sox are 4.5 games ahead of the Yankees, its that they're 20 games over .500, they also won on this night against the White Sox.

The Sox retired No.s

Aug. 13, 2005

And these from the Sox game I went to this summah!

Some old photo's I've been meaning to post, this one from August when Adam came down to Provy for a Waterfire