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The New England Times

Monday, October 31, 2005

"Although I Have No Immediate Plans, I Will Embrace This Change In My Life And Look Forward With Excitement To The Future"

Well said Theodore. Screw 'The Man' keeping you down. Here's to hoping to get a phat contract from the Dodgers or Phillies (ain't baseball grand, the Phillies are slated to be at Fenway June 23-25!).

"Although I Have No Immediate Plans, I Will Embrace This Change In My Life And Look Forward With Excitement To The Future." It sounds like Theo is "embracing his destiny" as a wise man once said.

Finally, it makes all this stuff (bickering) between the Globe and Herald great, and more importantly, newsworthy and accurate! Over the past week especially, the Herald has been non-committal on Theo's new deal, even saying in Monday's paper that "he would reval his answer today". Where as the Globe has some messy, runny, yellow EGG on its face with the "Epstein and the Red Sox have agreed to an extension of that length, keeping the Brookline native in place as the team's GM through the 2008 season, according to multiple major league sources". Better recheck those MULTIPLE league sources hey Gordo.

This agenda spilled over on Saturday when baseball guru Tony Massarotti (he's CLEARLY better than Gordon Edes and should be the Boston heir apparent to Peter Gammons) cited the Globe for having a Smear Campaign against Theo. Mazz goes on to point out the partial ownership between the Sox and Globe, and then bangs home a great point: That is why, as much as ever, we should hope this remains a two-newspaper town.

I couldn't agree more, ESPECIALLY being here in Rhode Island with the crappy Providence Journal. For lack of a better team, the Journal has bad coverage of PC bball, not that they don't cover what they should, they do, but there's no provacitive stories, just reporting. By comparsion, at UMass, there's the Republican and Daily Hampshire Gazette who both compete for UMass stories. There's feature stories, and a "rush" to get the news first over the other one. Conversley, the Television media aspect in Springfield is horrible as no one cares about 22, therefor News40 can do what they please. Of note, here in Providence, there are three tv stations so they actually DO compete for attention which is an interesting dynamic for me to see unfold over the past 14 months. Finally, that's what makes Boston cool, you've got the two newspapers, in addition to the three networks, Fox25, NECN, NESN, FSNE, WB56 and WEEI. THIS is why I need to go work in NYC, to see the next step (is it the highest step?)

Back to the Sox, here's what Dan Shaughnessy said Sunday in his Ironing of dirty laundry column and a response to the "Smear Campaign"...

It was charged last week that Sox management conducted a ''smear campaign" against Epstein. How? Where's the campaign? It was correctly reported that Theo turned down a three-year deal at $1.2 million per year. That's a smear campaign? There have been no quotes from Sox management on the negotiations. Lucchino and Epstein called me together at home Friday night but said they could say nothing about Theo's contract talks because they had not spoken with other outlets. So much for the Globe's ''home-court advantage" (the Globe's parent company, The New York Times Company, owns 17 percent of the Red Sox). So much for the cartel. In fact, Epstein's minions probably have done more talking about Theo's situation than anyone in Sox management. When postseason baseball visited Chicago, at least one nationally known Lucchino-hating Epstein source was trashing the Sox CEO to anyone who'd listen.

At this point, I love being in the position I am in... TOTALLY disconnected from the situation, just sitting back and watching the DraaaaaaaaaaMA. So here's to Theo, your affection for the Red Sox did not begin four year ago when you started working at (Fenway), and it does not end today.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Wellington Mara

Giant owner passes... I guess its a bigger story than I thought, here's a nifty article in The Post about it.

Additionally, can we talk about Belmont Park and the Breeder's Cup! Who knew the world of horse racing had a 'Super Bowl' of sorts. And while its great that it was in New York, an outdoor sporting event on Long Island, its stinks that it was at the end of October on a chilly afternoon. Baby its cold outside!

Friday, October 28, 2005

B.R. - Guillen managed to be unique

Leave it to Bob Ryan to define the term "throwing someone under the bus", I love it...

White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen was saying, among other things, ''I lead the league in throwing players under the bus."

He does it the way he wants to do it, saying what he wants to say. Those who've been around him all year knew what he was referring to, but for many the idea that a coach or manager would make casual public reference to throwing his players under the bus was jarring to the ear.

You don't say that. Well, Ozzie does.

If someone messes up, Ozzie won't protect him with the media. In Ozzie's view, ''throwing a guy under the bus" means nothing more than being honest about something everyone saw, anyway. ''They know what I mean," he says. ''I do it to make them better."

Ah, it's nothing more than tough love, Venezuelan style.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Front Page Of Sunday's New York Times

Things can't be too wrong with the world, when THIS is on the front page of the Sunday Times.

As Young Adults Drink to Win, Marketers Join In

By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN - Sunday October 16, 2005

The bar is packed, the floor is wet, and dozens of glassy-eyed young people are squeezed around tables trying to lob Ping-Pong balls into cups of beer.

It is the final round of a beer pong championship, sponsored by a maker of portable beer pong tables, and all across the bar, as one team scores points, the other happily guzzles beer.

"It's awesome," said Chris Shannon, 22, a senior at Drexel University here. "If you win, you win. If you lose, you drink. There's no negative."

Drinking games have been around since Dionysus. But a whole new industry has taken off around them, making the games more popular, more intense and more dangerous, according to college administrators who say the games are just thin cover for binge drinking.

Some colleges have tried to ban the games on campus, but that has just driven them elsewhere. Many bars now hold beer pong tournaments like the one in Philadelphia, and some even have leagues and keep baseball-like statistics.

Urban Outfitters stocks a popular beer pong kit called Bombed and boxed sets of rules for other games. In January, thousands of players are expected at the first World Series of Beer Pong, sponsored by a beer pong accessories company and held on the outskirts of - where else? - Las Vegas.

This past summer, Anheuser-Busch unveiled a game it calls Bud Pong. The company, which makes Budweiser, is promoting Bud Pong tournaments and providing Bud Pong tables, balls and glasses to distributors in 47 markets, including college towns like Oswego, N.Y., and Clemson, S.C.

Bud Pong may soon expand into more markets, said Francine Katz, a spokeswoman for Anheuser-Busch Companies Inc.

"It's catching on like wildfire," Ms. Katz said. "We created it as an icebreaker for young adults to meet each other."

Beer companies like Anheuser-Busch have made promoting "responsible drinking" a matter of corporate philosophy, partly as an answer to criticism that they market to youth.

But Ms. Katz said Bud Pong was not intended for underage drinkers because promotions were held in bars, not on campuses. And it does not promote binge drinking, she said, because official rules call for water to be used, not beer. The hope is that those on the sidelines enjoy a Bud.

On the ground, though, it may be a different story. At the Esso Club near Clemson University, Jessica Twilley, a bartender, said she had worked at several Bud Pong events and had "never seen anyone playing with water."

"It's always beer," Ms. Twilley said. "It's just like any other beer pong."

When told about the Esso Club, Ms. Katz responded that her information was that the club used water, and that distributors were instructed to "conduct retail promotions responsibly."

Budweiser is not the only brand using games to sell alcohol. One recent Miller campaign featured spin the bottle, and its distributors have promoted beer pong tournaments as well, although the company says it has no corporate strategy to market the game.

Henry Wechsler, director of the College Alcohol Study at the Harvard School of Public Health, said he was "aghast that companies who posture themselves as promoting responsible drinking promote drinking games, which by their nature involve heavy drinking."

As for the Bud Pong water defense, Dr. Wechsler said: "Why would alcohol companies promote games that involve drinking water? It's preposterous."

Drinking games seem to be most popular among college students, and according to four recent academic studies that surveyed more than 6,000 students nationwide, 50 percent to 80 percent play them.

Some games are based on luck and revolve around cards and dice. A few are simply organized binges, like "Edward 40-Hands," in which players tape 40-ounce malt liquor bottles to their hands. Others, like flippy cup and beer pong, take a little skill.

In beer pong, each team stands at the end of a table in front of a triangle of cups partially filled with beer. Players pitch the ball into the other team's cups. When a player sinks the ball, the other team must chug the beer and remove the cup from the table. When a side runs out of cups, it loses.

Students say they enjoy the games because they are a fun way to compete, socialize and drink, and often the only consequence of playing is a hangover. But alcohol prevention experts say the games do sometimes lead to alcohol poisoning and drunken-driving crashes and may increase the chance of a woman being sexually assaulted.

Thomas J. Johnson, a psychologist at Indiana State University, has published seven articles on student alcohol use in peer-reviewed journals since 1998 and has studied thousands of students who play drinking games. He found that 44 percent of men who played said that they did so to sexually manipulate other players. Twenty percent said they had done things after playing a drinking game that could be defined as sexual assault.

In many games, the more you lose, the more you drink, which leads to losing more and drinking more, a cycle that can spiral out of control.

"When you play drinking games, you're not really in charge of how much you drink," said Brian Borsari, a psychologist at the Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown University. "Your drinking is at the whim of other players, which can be very dangerous, especially if you're trying to fit in."

Charles R. Pollock, vice president for student affairs at Bucknell University, said many students were taking their cues from increasingly outrageous Web sites. Drinking game sites feature rules, merchandise and pictures of wild parties, with some students naked and others hugging the toilet.

"It's a race to be the most extreme," Mr. Pollock said.

Four years ago, Bucknell banned drinking games on campus. But last year, the university changed its approach and dropped the ban as part of an effort to encourage students to take more personal responsibility for their behavior.

Kenyon College in Ohio did the same. "It became apparent the ban wasn't going to work," said Shawn Presley, Kenyon's director of public affairs. "And we didn't want to drive the games underground."

But more and more colleges, including the University of Pennsylvania, Fairfield University in Connecticut and Georgetown, are sticking to strict policies that punish students for playing.

"We didn't want to be silent on an issue that really bothers us," said Todd A. Olson, Georgetown's dean of students.

Illinois has tried to prohibit drinking games in bars, and this August, the Jersey Shore town of Belmar banned drinking games outdoors after residents complained.

Still, drinking games have become a staple of many young people's social lives, essentially the warm-up, or preparty, to a long night.

On a recent Friday evening at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Kyle Field, 22, and his friends were watching television in an off-campus house when the clock struck 8:30.

"Beer thirty!" someone yelled. "Let's drink!"

The quiet gathering suddenly morphed into a symphony of beer-swilling action: one student pulled out a table, another pumped the keg, another filled cups.

The group split into two teams of five, including some women, and started playing flippy cup, a relay race in which players gulp down an inch of beer in a cup and then try to flip the cup over so it sticks upside down.

Mr. Field warned a struggling teammate, "Don't be the weak link!"

After he won his game and drifted off to the bars, Mr. Field confided, "The point of drinking games is to get as lit as possible."

But, he added, friends make sure no one drinks too much or chugs alone.

The description of this scene distressed the university's chancellor, Walter V. Wendler. "If someone could show me one positive benefit of these games, I'd host one tonight," Dr. Wendler said. "But there isn't. It's a way to abuse alcohol. Period."

Beer pong seems to be the drinking game du jour.Legend has it that the game, which can be played with paddles and is also known for some reason as Beirut, started years ago at a Dartmouth College fraternity party. Now bars hold matches every week, often working with beer distributors who help advertise the events and supply the prizes.

While the Miller Brewing Company has no companywide campaign for beer pong, its distributors are getting in on the action. Aimar McQueeney, a sales representative for a Miller distributor in Smyrna, Ga., said Miller supplied her with prizes and "Miller girl" models for a four-day beer pong tournament in Atlanta in May, which drew hundreds of people.

"It's the perfect demographic," Ms. McQueeney said. "It's mostly college kids pounding pitchers of beer."

Coors Brewing Company says it frowns on beer pong. "The game is generally associated with overconsumption," said Kabira Hatland, a spokeswoman, though she acknowledges Coors distributors might be promoting the game, too.

The recent tournament in Philadelphia was sponsored by Bing Bong, a company that sells portable beer pong tables for $150. In the past year, Bing Bong has sold more than 2,000.

"It was something a lot of people needed," said Tom Schmidt, the 27-year-old chief executive. He added that he wanted to turn the game into a socially acceptable barroom sport, like darts.

"I realize that beer pong was born out of binge drinking," Mr. Schmidt said. "But I want to make sure it's not synonymous anymore with binge drinking. Without the proper rules and regulations, we could get banned."

Monday, October 10, 2005

Katrina Destruction

Some people actually do things with their free time, like help with the clean up effort. I just watch sports.

My sister Sarah went down to Mississippi to help with the rebuilding effort... some impactive photos

Sunday, October 09, 2005

BR posts... BLOGGED

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Saturday, October 08, 2005

OF A REVOLUTION - Stories of a Stranger

Get the new album, I love it!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Newport, Rhode Island - October 1, 2005



Newport's late sunset at night!

The classic MC blurry photo of the bunch!

We also made new friends with officials who had just finished the URI / Brown football game, and HAD to made the cruise as well.


We circled around Newport harbor, again with the bridge!


And what would a sunset cruise be with out the sun, going.... going...

Another cool photo, this one by Mary Mac I think

The sunset cruise had its moments

After watching the Sox game (a disappointing 8-4 loss that gave the Yankees the AL East) we signed up for a sunset cruise (eg. another boat ride) complete with complementary beverages!

The All-American boat, complete with bunting down the sides of it.

We made it under the bridge okay...

Bridge THIS!

Top Ten photo nominee

It was pretty cool, we went right under the bridge

45 minutes into the ride, we got down to the Pell Bridge connecting Newport and Jamestown.

We took a ferry ride from Providence, down to Newport... passing cool boats along the way.

ROAD TRIP - Mary Mac and I went down to Newport last weekend, Oct. 1