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The New England Times

Friday, October 22, 2004

Coyne's Clippings (World Series Edition)

After being on the run since 8:00 a.m. to help with a Sports Illustrated photo shoot, then working on a Marketing group project (2-5 p.m.), then going to work at the Package Store (5-10 p.m.), I finally get to read today's paper's and get caught up on a few things. The photo shoot was of the men's basketball freshman and the coaching staff that focuses mostly on recruiting. Its slated to run in the SI College Basketball Preview Issue in early November. I'm sure I'll post more then... overall it was cool, but I'll write about it later.

Shaughnessy says, and I agree with him, that the "Curse" is not over and the Sox must win the World Series first. He also has this telling line...

The Yankees series was great, perhaps the greatest baseball event in our town. Ever.

That's some powerful stuff coming from someone who knows the game for 25 years here in New England. The one line people are saying that I disagree with, is that its the biggest win in Red Sox history. Wouldn't WINNING the darn thing back in 1918 be the penultimate moment? And they've won it like five times before that, so would that make the Game 7 win in 2004 like the seventh-best victory in team history? I'm awaiting confirmation from other sources before I buy this Biggest Win Ever stock.

Everyone that doesn't understand the magnitude of what's happening with the Sox in the World Series needs to read today's Bob Ryan column. It's dumbly called a "Curse Guide". Additionally B.R. STILL can't get over that they beat the Yankees.

As long as I've been in this, that fact still surprises me.

Here's a cool article from the San Francisco Chronicle by Ray Ratto. I always think its cool when a writer from somewhere outside of his home area weighs in on a local issue in another town, and CONTRIBUTES to the discussion. Not many people can do that. A favorite line is below...

The Cardinals? Please. Their fans love their team with none of the angst that Red Sox fans devote to theirs. They hold up signs that read, "Go Cardinals" in response to the signs in Fenway Park that read, "Go Sox, Or The Terrorists Win."

Here's the TV viewership which obviously was through the roof. Game 7 got a higher rating than the Patriots first Super Bowl in February, 2001, and was the highest-rated and most-watched sports since 1990.

The first showed the Sox were the first baseball team to rally from a 0-3 deficit to win a seven-game series in 26 attempts. And they were only the third team to accomplish the feat in 237 attempts involving MLB, NBA, and NHL teams.

The 1975 Islanders were one of them, along with a Pittsburgh Penguins team I think...

Globe also has a collection of pieces from all the NY papers. As well as Schilling's Top Ten list from the Late Show with David Letterman.

Stage presence - October 22, 2004

After silencing 55,000 at Yankee Stadium, Curt Schilling had one more order of business for New York; knock 'em dead on "The Late Show with David Letterman." He read the top 10 list—"Secrets to the Boston Red Sox Comeback"—last night.

10. Unlike the first three games, we didn't leave early to beat the traffic.

9. We put flu virus in Jeter's Gatorade.

8. Let's just say Pete Rose made some phone calls for us.

7. We asked Pokey Reese to be a little less pokey.

6. It's not like we haven't won a big game before—it's just been 86 years.

5. Honestly, I think we were tired of hearing about the Patriots.

4. The messages of encouragement Martha sent on prison napkins.

3. We pretended the baseball was Letterman's head.

2. What'd you expect? We have a guy who looks like Jesus!

1. We got Babe Ruth's ghost a hooker and now everything's cool.

Finally, Shaughnessy has an article about how 1986 set the standard for coming so close, but still falling short.


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